Source code for pinttr._interpret

from copy import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

import pint

from ._defaults import get_unit_registry

[docs] def interpret_units( d: Dict[str, Any], ureg: Union[pint.UnitRegistry, None] = None, inplace: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Interpret units in a dictionary. The dictionary is searched for matching magnitude-units field pairs. For a magnitude field with key ``"x"``, the corresponding unit field is ``"x_units"``. For each pair found, the magnitude field is attached units and converted to a :class:`pint.Quantity` object. The unit field is then dropped. If the magnitude field is already a Pint quantity, it will be converted to specified units (and conversion will fail if units are incompatible). .. admonition:: Example .. code-block:: python { "field": 1.0, "field_units": "m" } will be interpreted as .. code-block:: python {"field": ureg.Quantity(1.0, "m")} .. warning:: Dictionary keys must be strings. :param d: Dictionary in which units will be interpreted. :param ureg: Unit registry to use for unit creation. If set to ``None``, Pinttrs's registered unit registry is used. See also :func:`pinttr.set_unit_registry`. :param inplace: If ``True``, modify the dictionary in-place; otherwise, return a modified copy. :returns: A copy of ``d``, where unit fields are interpreted using ``ureg`` to attach units to the corresponding magnitude field. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Support for converting quantity magnitude fields. """ if ureg is None: ureg = get_unit_registry() if not inplace: result = copy(d) else: result = d for key in list(result.keys()): if key.endswith("_units"): magnitude_key = key[:-6] try: magnitude = result[magnitude_key] except KeyError: continue units = result[key] # If magnitude value is a quantity, convert to requested units # (and thus check for unit compatibility) if isinstance(magnitude, pint.Quantity): magnitude = magnitude.m_as(units) result[magnitude_key] = ureg.Quantity(magnitude, result[key]) del result[key] return result